Coaching Focus Areas



Whether it’s a friendship, partnership, family relationship, or a relationship with a colleague, it’s easy to believe you have no control over your happiness because of the way others show up (talk to you , don’t talk to you, complete a task, don’t complete a task, etc.)

As adults, often the manner and the environment we were raised in translates into how we perceive our life situations and relationships.

Through coaching, we dive into identified relationship(s), how they are affecting you day to day and I guide you how to enjoy the people in your life in a whole new way.

How much time is spent worrying about what you need to get done, yet frozen in indecision where to start or spend more time doing a task that depletes your energy so much that the next task is pushed aside yet another day?

Your boss or family have their ideas, you have yours …who wins?

Time is precious. Make the most of every second with tools to help you focus on spending your time (and energy) in ways that make you feel empowered and accomplished.





If you’re career driven, it can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Let’s find ways to keep your hustle up, without sacrificing work-life-balance.

Discover how you have been unknowingly holding yourself back from new or present opportunities. Internally you know you are right for a job, you deserve the promotion, yet anxiety and self doubt are holding you back from showing up as what you know is your authentic capable self.

It happens. We over eat or under exercise and it leaves us feeling negative. The beauty is, it’s in our control. Let’s manage it together.

Our packed lives often leave our health and wellness (mental and physical) last on the list. Taking the quickest food options that are often choices that make you feel satisfied in the moment, stop the hunger pangs, yet later make you feel more tired, gain weight, and more time spent in regret believing you’ll never be able to reach your “ideal” weight.

Through a mindfulness weight-loss program, you will finally lose those unwanted pounds and gain more energy, confidence and most importantly the desire to overeat.





As a healthcare worker for several decades, I’m equipped to help you confront the unique challenges of this field and how work might be affecting the rest of your life.

Communication breakdowns and anxiety are at a all time peek following Covid 19 pandemic, now more than ever the tools from mindfulness coaching can make an impact on how healthcare is delivered.

My passion and personal mission is to bring what I call the Key to life transformation to as many healthcare workers I can reach.